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About me

I am half English and half Singaporean Chinese and ALL TROUBLE. Well, some trouble. A little trouble? Or, to be honest, maybe such a distinct lack of trouble that even the possibility that I might have inconvenienced someone can cause me lingering distress. God, what a terrible way to live.


I am a critic and culture writer whose main focus tends to be film, but who writes about a lot of other things as well. I grew up in California, in the East Bay, but live in Brooklyn now. I have written and edited for, IndieWire, the AV Club, Time Out, Salon, Movieline (RIP), and others. I'm currently on staff at BuzzFeed News. You can find me, in declining order of use, on Twitter, on Instagram, and on Facebook.


I used to host the Filmspotting: SVU podcast with Matt Singer. Sometimes I miss it! If you would like to pay us sizable amounts of money to start it back up, or to pay me sizable amounts of money for a new podcast in which I talk for hours about the greatness of Lao Gan Ma Spicy Chili Crisp or the luxury real estate listings I compulsively browse or one of my other surely fascinating interests, drop me a line

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